Sunday, August 28, 2011

To Do? To Done!

Do you make to do lists? Is there always that one or two things that do not get done on your list? Well, I have an idea for you. I used to make to do lists, but I was always left disappointed when everything didn't get finished that day. I would sit looking at the list unmotivated, because I really just didn't feel like cleaning, or running errands, or whatever it was that needed done. 

I have found that there is a new technique that leaves me much more satisfied. I call it a to done list. Or in other words, things I have accomplished today. Instead of worrying about the things that are not finished, compliment yourself on the things that you have done. 

Today is Sunday, August 28th. Today I have done these things: 
  1. Shaved the dog. 
  2. 8 loads of laundry, even folded! 
  3. Gave the dog a bath. 
  4. Pulled weeds.
  5. Played with the dog, because he is a big baby and drives me nuts when I am doing things.
  6. Swept the floor.
  7. Vacuumed the floor.
  8. Shined the floor (on my hands and knees with a paper towel and febreze, be proud!
  9. Dusted the entertainment center and coffee table.
  10. Put dishes away. 
  11. Washed dishes.
  12. Took the trash out and to the curb. 
  13. Cleaned the rest of the kitchen.
  14. Watched part of a movie, but got distracted cleaning!
  15. Had time to write 3 blogs :)
  16. Made dinner. 
I am proud of myself. What have you TO DONE today? Try this method, I guarantee you won't be disappointed (unless you are lazy haha)

Got Wood?

Wood floors that is... I do, and some times I get irritated with them. Here is why:

I have a chocolate lab, and he sheds. We shaved him not too long ago, but there is still every where. So today I took him out side and buzzed him again with the clippers, then gave him a bath. While he was drying off I decided to try something. But before I reveal it, let me tell you a little more about my floors.

The Ups and Downs of Wood Floors:


  • No carpet to vacuum and clean and steam. 
  • I can slide around on them in my socks. 
  • Easily mopped.
  • They look pretty.
  • My dog has a hard time running on them and always slips, so funny!
  • The dog has long nails and he slides around a lot. (I know, trim his nails)
  • The dog hair accumulates fast.
  • I worry about them getting scratched. 
  • I worry about having the baby play on wood floors instead of soft carpet.
I was at Alysa's house the other day and she was dusting with a product I haven't heard of before. I knew of the company, but didn't know they made a dusting agency. I asked her where she got it and she said she had an extra bottle I could have. Can you guess what it is? It makes the whole house smell delicious and makes the wood in my house shine! 

Absolute amazingness! I would 100% recommend it to anyone! So today I decided I would try something new with my floor. Alysa said I could spray it down before I mopped and see how that worked. But I swept then vacuumed while Price was drying outside. Then, I got some paper towels and sprayed a section at a time, then wiping it up after. It took a while to do the whole floor like this, but I am so happy with the results. Here is what my floor looks like now: 

From now on, I will be using Febreze Dust and Shine all the time!

If You're Offended, Get Over It!

"Be nice to your friends, or you are not going to have any here..." Some one told me this the other day.

Well, here is my response to that. I didn't want friends here to begin with. My friends at home are enough for me. I don't need people around me that just stir up the drama. It is completely hilarious to me how there was no drama when I didn't have friends here. Silly how that works. I know I need to be nice, but all the time my husband tells me I should not care what other people think of me. I disagree with that to an extent.

I have a reputation to uphold. I am a Christian and I need to act like it. God will judge me and I should do everything in my power to be the best person I can be. Therefore, I press on, trying to be nice to people.

But then I get walked on. No more! I am tired of people in general. I don't need any one here and right now I don't really want to be around any one here either. (EXCEPT MY HUSBAND!) I am tired of constant text and facebook messages. My phone ringing again and again. If I don't answer once, fine... If I don't answer twice, I probably don't want to deal with you. I might come off as a jerk in this post, but I've been pushed to the limit. I just can't stand it right now. I might be pushing people away who want to be my friend, but jeeze!

In times like these I take out my Bible and read on. There is hope in the Lord, and I know that I need Him to show me the way. My path is determined by the Lord, my God. I will press on and I will do my best to follow the work He has for me in each trial and each blessing. Lately, the Lord has really blessed my life. I am thankful for my family and especially my husband. So thankful for the friends who I consider family and the support we have here from back home. Praise the Lord for giving us this little bundle of joy that is growing inside me. Praise God!

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Ick, I had a tick! I hate ticks, they are so dirty and nasty and carry diseases! Today I went to get in the shower and found a tick on my left hip. No problem, usually I would just remove it and save it just in case I started getting sick. So I grabbed the tweezers and pulled straight up. It was actually in there REALLY deep and I had to take a second try at it. I finally got the body out when I realized the head was still stuck. UGH! I called Weston at work and he advised me to go to the Urgent Care on post since I am now pregnant. (oh how I love saying that word now).

The nurse had to dig the little booger out with a huge needle. When it started bleeding I had to look away, all of a sudden I have a bit of a weak stomach. Here is what a tick looks like in case you didn't know...

Better have someone "check you for ticks" ;)

Our Peanut

I dropped a hint in a previous blog, but if you didn't catch on, then here you go. I will spell it out plain and simple with pictures and if you can't figure it out, you should head back to that classroom.

A friend of mine REALLY wanted me to take a pregnancy test at her house, but I decided not to, and I would take one when I got home. I was sure that I was pregnant, but didn't want to be disappointed if I wasn't. So I waited to do it in the comfort of my own home. Turns out that it was pregnant. I told Weston I needed his help and to come here and he knew right away what I wanted him for. We are so excited! I went to the Clinic on post on the 25th and took a test there so they would have it in the system. Even though I knew I was pregnant, hearing her say so put the biggest smile on my face ever! 

I should be right around 8 weeks, but the OB office just kept going to an answering machine, so I try calling again Monday to make an appointment. Stay tuned for more updates. I have a belly picture, but the blog hates me and I have to figure out how to upload it without it turning sideways!

I have to upload all my pictures to the Google Web Albums before putting them on here in order for it to work correctly.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Krista's Session

Here are a few more pictures from Krista's maternity photo session. A huge thank you to her for letting me be a part of her shoot!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Maternity Pictures

Alyssa called me this morning and asked me if I wanted to do a maternity photo shoot with her this afternoon. I was so very confused because I hadn't even told her that I was pregnant yet. She filled me in, her friend Krista is 3 months prego and we were going to do a photo shoot for her. OK! Sounded like fun to me. So we went. Here are a few sample pictures from the beginning of the shoot. More to come tomorrow.

She is a great model! I can't wait to take more pictures of her further on in her pregnancy.


I decided I am going to say nothing more except that I had to press charges on 3 women from my softball team for harassment. In 5 days I will be seeking warrants for their arrests. I have all the evidence I need. I guess they messed with the wrong person. UGH, I hate drama!

Star Light, Star Bright...

Do you really want to know what I honestly think? I am sure you might be curious. But then again maybe not. I am debating to write all over this post telling you about the, well, I haven't decided if I am going to tell you all or not. Writing is how I relieve stress; how I disburse my anger. Hate, that is a strong word. But I really hate it when people.... BUT love- that is a strong word as well.. I really really love it when people.... oh yeah, maybe I will tell you. OR maybe not.

Think about it and maybe just maybe you will be curious enough for me to post something about all the things that are running through my mind right now. I would tell you what the topic was but that would ruin the fun. Take the little hints and build them up in your mind and let your imagination wander. When you can't figure it out comment on this post and if you convince me, I might just spill the beans.

Its good. Or maybe its bad. Will you ever know?

New Contest!!!!!!!!!!!!

ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!! NEW CONTEST! Please submit a picture of your child on my wall. The picture will be removed from my wall and entered into an album.

The picture with the most likes will win a 90 minute photo shoot including a cd with all the pictures and 10 edited photos. Tell all of your friends to like my page and vote for your picture. Picture submission will end in 2 weeks, September 8th. Voting will begin on October 8th and end two weeks later on Sept 22.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rain Makes Corn...

Today I was asked to make a proposal to take pictures for a preschool of 104 kids. I am so very excited about this opportunity! It will be the beginning of October and probably have a fall theme. So today we went and practiced with a beautiful 3 year old. Here are some sample pictures, and more to come when I get props. Hope you enjoy, let me know what you think!

Check out my photography page

Want FREE pictures?

I decided to do a contest on my photography facebook page.

Contest: Suggest my photography page to your friends on Facebook. Make sure that your friends write on my wall saying that you sent them to the page. The person with the most suggestions will receive a FREE 90 minute photo session of their choice with a cd of all the pictures, full copyrights, and 10 edited pictures. The contest will end when I reach 150 "likes" on my Facebook page. FACEBOOK.COM/WELLSPHOTOGRAPHY74

Promotion: $50 for a 90 minute photo session of your choice. This will include a cd of all the pictures with full copyrights and 10 edited photos. This will end October 1st.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lake Kyle

My MP of a husband was venturing around Fort Campbell yesterday while there weren't any calls. Him and another MP found a lake in the "back forty" of post. It was dark when they found it, so today we took the dog for a ride. The lake is absolutely beautiful! 

Helicopters were flying all around and very low, and there wasn't a soul in sight. We proceeded to play with the puppy as he fetched his ball from the lake. Weston found an empty gateraid bottle in the car and brought it to me so I would have something to catch minnows in. We ended up coming home with 6 baby fish. I got some lake water, dirt, rocks, and plants for them to live in. When we got home I put them in the pool out back and I hope they live. I have a feeling that isn't going to happen, but we shall see. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Open for Business

I officially opened my photography business today. It is called Wells Photography, and if you click HERE you can view my facebook page. Make sure you "like" it and check out my pictures.

Photo Shoot to promote Aly Marie Photography
I am offering a 90 minute session for $50. This will include a cd with all the pictures and full copy rights, plus 10 edited photos. The promotion ends October 1st.

Hopefully we will be going to Colorado in November to see friends and family and I am hoping to schedule some photo shoots there as well.

Engagements, Weddings, Events, Homecomings, Deployments, Family, Pregnancy, Babies, Sports, and everything else you can think of. Visit my Facebook page for more details and to schedule a photo shoot!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Friends for Never

Friends for yesterday.
Friends for now.
Friends for ever.
Friends for never. 

What type of friend are you? 
Walk the walk,
Talk the talk? 
You gotta do, what you gotta do. 

Middle School, 
High School, 
Married and grown up?
can that be true?

Best friends,
Fake friends,
Got your back,
or stab you in it.
Which will you do. 

Think about it, 
Lie about it, 
Talk your trash. 
Behind your back, 
To your face, 
Which will it be?

Friends for yesterday.
Friends for now.
Friends for ever.
Friends for never. 
Pick which you want to be. 

In your life there will be people that call themselves your friends. There will be people that really are your friends, and the ones who don't really care about you. Choose your friends wisely. Don't listen to what other's have to say. Because who you trust. As a military wife, I will tell you to keep your true friends from home close, because other military wives who are new in your life, don't necessarily care about you. It is sad, it really is. Over time you will find out who your friends are. You will stop talking to the idiots that stab you in the back. You will move up, you will move on. 

I'm not one to have a huge group of friends. I have a few that I keep very close to my heart. They would never say something about me that they haven't already said to my face. You may hate them in the beginning, but then realize how great of a person they really are. Take my best friend, Kaitlynn for example. I know she will always be there for me through thick and thin. How we have come to be such great friends no matter what is another story for another day. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dear Melissa,

Hey Melissa.

 I just wanted to say thank you for all the advice. It meant a lot to me and I really turned to God for support. I finally heard back from my soldier and turns out he was never mad and just busy but I think this wait made me realize how much he really meant to me and I wasn't afraid to tell him anymore. We decided when he comes home we will have to hang out and see how everything goes and decide where to take our relationship from there. This deployment has brought us closer if anything. He was supposed to come home next week but hasn't gotten a date yet so who knows. But as long as he is safe that's all I care about. Again, thanks for listening to me. It is nice to have someone who understands more of what is happening.

High School Friend. 

Dear high school friend, 

You are more than welcome. I am here when ever you need someone to listen. My husband hasn't deployed yet, but I have friends and family that has. I will offer any knowledge and support that I can. Keep your head up. I have always lived by the statement that what is meant to be will be. God has a plan. In talking to you I have realized that I really need to take my own advice. I need to turn to God in the hard times. The Army life isn't the easiest. Prepare yourself now and if you really like this guy, you are going to have to respect the fact that the Army will take him when ever they want. Lately I have learned that with being an Army Wife, there is also drama! It's almost like being at our high school all over again. Fake friends, liars, but even more, the wives that screw around and cheat on their husbands, and the husbands that do the same. With out trust there is not a relationship and you two should work on building that up before you have a relationship. One of the best pieces of advice I was given when I got married was, "Always stay best friends, never become husband and wife." This can be true in any relationship, be best friends, tell each other everything, and love one another for who they are. Don't let the Army get the best of your friendship and your relationship. Use this deployment to get to know one another better. Talk about anything and everything and work on those communication skills. 

Best of luck and when he is home, cherish that time together. 

God Bless, 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hi ho, Hi ho, Off to Work I Go!

After applying for two jobs on post, and interviewing for two of them-- Child Care Assistant, and Administrative Assistant, I was offered the child care position at the Child Development Center (CDC) on post. I began the paper work Monday, which includes a background check of the past 7 years. This will include EVERY job I've held, EVERY place I've lived, and even more... Fun, fun! Not. I also got the TB skin test, that I have to go back in for the 2nd reading tomorrow, which will have been 48 hours later. I still need to get finger printed as well. The job is a flex position, which means I call in every day at 6:30 am to see if I am needed. It is similar to a substitute teaching job. I will work 0-40 hours a week, depending on the student to teacher ratio. I am excited, but am praying for hours.

Tomorrow I will go in to apply for a 2nd job at the Commisary bagging groceries. They do not get paid, the job is tips only. However they make very decent money if they are quick on their feet and friendly. Shoot, maybe I will make more there than at the day care. We shall see :).

Friday, August 12, 2011

Long, Long Ago...

Heather and I were driving around Fort Campbell, outside the gates, where there is all kinds of training stuff. We came across an old cemetery so we hopped out and went to investigate. There were not a whole lot of head stones but here are the oldest ones there.

3 months old :(

Born in 1800

Born in 1806

Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Girl & Her Horse

I knew it wouldn't take very long for Kami to learn to LOVE this horse! As soon as the 4 of us girls all rode she decided it was her turn. Riding at age 2! That is the perfect age to ride. 

There is no greater love than a girl and her horse!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Things of Dover Road

Only in Kennessee! (For those of you who don't know, or may be new to my blog... We call Fort Campbell Kennessee because it is in both Kentucky and Tennessee. -Thank you to our friend Kris for coming up with that name!)


I absolutely LOVE how they have the
 driveway to this beautiful house lined with trees!

Mission LBL

There is a place called Land Between the Lakes (LBL) here and we've been wanting to go. Its two huge lakes with a large chunk of nice land in between, hints the name. There is great fishing, camping, horseback riding, and every thing out doors that you can imagine there. Well, it turns out that the lake we found when picking up the horse is part of LBL. I hate how Google Maps is so deceiving because it says that LBL is a lot further away than the 45 minutes that we drove there. Weston, Price, and I went on an adventure today to check it out. We didn't have a whole lot of time to spend there, but Price got to play in the lake.

(Since I deleted my Facebook, you can look forward to a lot more pictures on here!) 

Weston waiting for Price.

Typical Lab! 

My Love!

Fetch to dry the dog off.

Part of the Lake.
Thank goodness it was only 85 degrees out today, perfect day for a trip to the lake. Next time we will take our fishing pole! Stay in touch for pictures of REAL fish! Every time we fish in the river they are pretty small. I'm excited to take advantage of the great Kennessee out doors!

Letters from Home

Dear Melissa, 
I just wanted to tell you that reading your blogs have been very inspirational to me. The story of how you and your husband reconnected after 5 years of no communication and how you guys got married is such a cute story. I recconected with an old high school friend a few months ago that joined the Army and we talked every day until he got deployed to Afghanistan. Our feelings really grew for each other and we were planning on dating when he came home from leave at the end of this month. But, then I got scared and told him I though it would be best for us to just be friends. I didn't think I could be strong enough and be able to date someone in the Army and never know when I would wait for him. I now realize that was a horrible mistake and I apologized to him and asked him to forgive me because losing him made me realize waiting is worth it. I haven't heard from him to see if he forgives me but sometimes he goes up to a week without writing back. Hearing your story and seeing how God has helped you through the hard times has given me hope for my own situation and I know it will be hard if we do decide to date but very rewarding at the same time. Thank you for telling your story!
-High School Friend.

I received this letter from a friend from the high school I graduated at. It is so great to know that me writing my blog is inspiring others. I hope to do only that. I know that at times I am down, and my blog may be a little depressing; however, the military life is not the easiest one out there. I have said it before and I will say it again, "No one said it would be easy, but it will be worth it!"

Dear High School Friend, 
      The Army, no, the military in general has taught me many things. One thing I learned was not to take friend and family for granted. It seems like you have learned this too. Some times it takes losing someone to really realize what they mean to you. I know that if you tell him how you feel, and he feels the same way, then there is hope for you. You might have to pour your heart out to him. You also said that sometimes he doesn't write back for up to a week. Be patient! God is with you and He will help you through this deployment! There were times when I didn't hear back from my cousin for almost 20 days. He is in a war zone, and I know this is a scary thought, but you must trust in God and know that he is ok. Learn this saying, and keep it close to your heart: "No news is good news." When they are out in the field working they do not have technology to be able to write back home. As long as the Army isn't contacting his parents with the dreaded news that no one wants to hear, then he is ok. Stay positive. There are going to be rough times, but you will make it. No relationship is going to last with out God. You be your soldier's rock, and let God be your boulder! You are his "Moto Girl". You must keep him positive and in high spirits. Horrible things are happening in Afghanistan and he is right there experiencing it first hand. Keep him motivated and let him know that you are awaiting his return! Send him letters, packages, and fun things in the mail. If you want advice for what kind of things to put in care packages just let me know, or view my post about CARE PACKAGES 101 on my Dreadful Deployment Blog. I hope this helps some. Keep me updated on your story! 

Riding Lessons

For some reason it is turning my pictures.
If any one knows how to avoid this please comment and tell me.
After picking up Play Boy, we went to the new stables where he will be staying. One of the girls there is really nice and allowed us to borrow a bit and bridle. Lucky she had the kind that Playboy needs. Without a saddle, we decided to ride him bareback. I jumped on first off the the tie-off rail. He was really good! Then we took him over to the round pin where Heather jumped on. I led them around for a while so she could get a feel for him and hopefully gain some trust. She was doing good. I showed her how to properly hold the reins, and how to keep him on the fence, then stepped back to the middle of the pen while she continued to lead him around.
Sabrina and Play Boy.
Sabrina and Play Boy.
Heather and Play Boy. 
Pushing him over to the rock.
Photo by Sabrina.
Heather riding bareback by herself :)
Photo by Sabrina. 
Sabrina has never riden a horse in her life, and this was the perfect opportunity. I had her climb on the fence, then she jumped on. I led her around for a while, then got on with her to trot him. That was bumpy and a little bit scary. 

2 year old, Kami, is scared to death of this gentle giant! I had set her up on Play Boy with me the day before and she screamed. When we asked her if she wanted to get on with us, she readily came, but then hell broke loose. I had Heather put her on between Sabrina and I, so maybe she would be a little more comfortable. It didn't work, the teams flooded her face.

Kami riding Play Boy with Sabrina and me.
Memories. She will learn to love the horse!
All in all, it was a super fun day, and I absolutely can't wait to get back out there with Heather and teach her what I know! Man, I miss my horse!