It has been about 18 weeks since I found out I was pregnant. Since that time, I have made several changes in my life. I got a job at the Child Development Center on post. I am loving it for the most part, with a few exceptions. But like Weston always tells me, there is going to be bull shit at any job that you have no matter what, and you just have to deal with it. So I will. I have made some changes in my friends here as well. Weston and I used to fight all the time. It seems like we fought more when we were with our friends. If it wasn't us fighting, then it was one of the other couples that we were hanging out with. There was always drama, and I couldn't stand it. Gossiping is not my thing, and I was getting wrapped up in it. It was not a healthy friendship at all. A finally drew the line, and decided that I was better off without all of it.
When we first moved here I told Weston that I didn't want friends here at all. I have great friends back home, and they will support me through thick and thin. It is not like my friends from home don't understand what is going on, because some of them are in the military as well. We may not be stationed at the same place, and we may not talk every day, but we understand.
I started hanging out with a couple people from work every once in a while, and Weston came along too. He has made them his friends as well, and we all get along. There is no drama, no gossip, no drinking until things are thrown at walls, or walls are punched, or people go stomping off down the road. There is no lying, no distrust between each other. No bad influences. I am glad to say that I have made "adult" friends. People who understand that life isn't about nit-picking at each other. People who are fun to be around. People who don't piss me off on a regular basis.
This Thanksgiving, we accepted an invitation to go hang out with those "old friends". I told Weston that if fighting started happening that we were out. Not only that, but I had to be up at 4am the next day for work. They didn't drink until they got drunk, but just as soon as the drama began between one of the other couples I decided nothing had changed. It was nice to see the people we hung out with all the time before, but the gossip and such is still all there. I am not that person. Even if one of them did apologize to me for what had happened before, I can't go back to that situation. They will probably never understand, and I am ok with that. I don't fit in with a lot of people, and that is my own decision. I don't have a whole lot of friends, I don't need to go hang out with someone every day, I don't need special attention. I am an independent person, and I always will be.
I enjoy spending quality time with my husband, and soon it will be 3 of us. Things may change when it becomes time for the baby to be here. We won't be able to stay out late partying with our friends, without getting a baby sitter, or having special circumstances. But I know that they will be understanding, and we will work something out around that.
I am so happy with where I am in my life. I married my high school sweet heart, and the love of my life. We are both working, and making something of ourselves. We are accomplished, and 100% in love. Together we are building the perfect family. Weston is set to deploy next year, and we will deal with that when it comes. Until then, we will keep on keeping on, one day at a time. So here is to growing up, and making choices that change our lives.
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