Saturday, October 8, 2011

Borrowed Time

I'm living on borrowed time. 
Today is a gift, 
but not one that came free. 
I'm living on borrowed time. 
Tomorrow isn't guaranteed. 
The Lord blessed me with one more day.
For today I shall pray. 
Thank you, Lord, 
for dying for me. 
For hanging on that cross,
for making me free. 
Today I'm living on borrowed time.

"Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth."  Proverbs 27:1

The Bible tells us again and again in different ways that tomorrow is guaranteed to no man. You should not worry about what is going to happen, because the Lord is in control. Yes, I know that it is much easier said than done, but really, we must give our worries to the Lord. In Matthew, chapter 6, the bible reads, 

"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Matthew 6:34 

So you see, God will take care of us. He will give us one day at a time, and that is the day that we are to be thankful for. Life is way too short to say, "I will do it tomorrow." You don't know if tomorrow is going to come for you. The Lord calls us up in His own time. They say the good die young, but in the end, we all die. Back to the Garden of Eden, when they disobeyed the Lord, the Bible tells us that we will all die an Earthly death. It may not say it in those exact words, but I promise you, we are not getting younger, and we are not going to live forever. This is when I am ok with that though. I am okay with knowing that I am going to die here on Earth. God died for me on the cross, and He took away my sins. I am saved by the Grace of God. I will go to Heaven, because I have accepted the Lord into my life as my Savior. 
If you died today, where would you go? Take a moment and think about it, if you have not accepted the Lord into your life, then you will go to hell. There is no buying your way to heaven. Going to church isn't going to get you there. Doing good deeds and being a "good person" won't get you there either. There is only one way. You must ask the Lord into your life to be your savior. You must admit that you are a sinner, and see that God has died for your sins and mine. 


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