Sunday, August 28, 2011

If You're Offended, Get Over It!

"Be nice to your friends, or you are not going to have any here..." Some one told me this the other day.

Well, here is my response to that. I didn't want friends here to begin with. My friends at home are enough for me. I don't need people around me that just stir up the drama. It is completely hilarious to me how there was no drama when I didn't have friends here. Silly how that works. I know I need to be nice, but all the time my husband tells me I should not care what other people think of me. I disagree with that to an extent.

I have a reputation to uphold. I am a Christian and I need to act like it. God will judge me and I should do everything in my power to be the best person I can be. Therefore, I press on, trying to be nice to people.

But then I get walked on. No more! I am tired of people in general. I don't need any one here and right now I don't really want to be around any one here either. (EXCEPT MY HUSBAND!) I am tired of constant text and facebook messages. My phone ringing again and again. If I don't answer once, fine... If I don't answer twice, I probably don't want to deal with you. I might come off as a jerk in this post, but I've been pushed to the limit. I just can't stand it right now. I might be pushing people away who want to be my friend, but jeeze!

In times like these I take out my Bible and read on. There is hope in the Lord, and I know that I need Him to show me the way. My path is determined by the Lord, my God. I will press on and I will do my best to follow the work He has for me in each trial and each blessing. Lately, the Lord has really blessed my life. I am thankful for my family and especially my husband. So thankful for the friends who I consider family and the support we have here from back home. Praise the Lord for giving us this little bundle of joy that is growing inside me. Praise God!

1 comment:

  1. AMEN! To this entry! I can't tell you how many times I've felt like this.
