What a Day! The day began with my phone going off. I swear, I absolutely can't wait for Weston to get home so I can shut my phone off at night!!! I changed it to a super annoying ring tone so that it will wake me up when Weston calls or texts after I fall asleep. After getting ready for the day, I contemplated whether or not I should go to Fort Carson and change my health insurance and then go to David's Bridal to pick up my dress, OR if I should take the puppy to the vet to get his arthritis shot. Turns out I ended up doing neither. Instead, I accompanied my mother and father-in-law to lunch and then the Cancer Dr's appointment. Lunch was delicious! We went to the little restaurant in Dillards (Who knew there was one in there, I guess I've never used that mall entrance before). At the cancer doctor's office, the news was positive. It looks like it is shrinking. Outstanding! It is definitely an answer to prayers, and I pray that it will continue to follow that pattern.
When we got home, I was messing with the dogs when they all took off outside and started barking. Next thing I know, there is a horse running through the front yard and out into the street. It headed to the neighbors' house on the east side. I told my father-in-law about it then came in the house and got a lead rope. I went over to the neighbors and the horse walked right up to me. But then wanted to be a snot head and took off a few houses down to where some more horses were. I ran over there and when I finally got to him he was eating some hay on the ground. I approached him carefully but ended up throwing the lead rope right around his neck and then just walked him back towards our house. Daniel had found the owners, which happened to be the neighbors directly on the other side of the house, and they were driving towards me. After standing there and watching the idiots try to get the halter on, which they failed to do... one threw a lead around his neck and walked him home the same way I had. I swear! They do not deserve to own a horse. Their last one died of a "heart attack" and had several tumors all over it and they did nothing about it. Not only that, but he appeared very malnourished but no one would do anything about it. The family is a bunch of druggies and can't afford to feed or properly take care of the animals.
I don't own horses any more because when my dad got divorced, my grandpa took them back to his house because we had no where to keep them. I had given up riding in 4-H at that time to play softball in high school. What a mistake! I could have done both. ugh. Live and learn, that is for sure. I don't understand why people who can't take care of their animals are the ones who end up with them. Then there are people like me who would LOVE to have a horse, but just can't right now. It is so frustrating! I told one of the guys through text message that if the animals were not properly taken care of I was going to do something about it. He ran and told his daddy, then his father called the house and cried about it to my father-in-law. I told Daniel that I am a big girl and I would talk to him myself. He told me that I am a horse expert and I owe him an apology because his horse is taken care of just fine. Hmmm, it's gotten out 3 times today, and the last 2/3 horses that you owned died because they were not taken care of properly. If you deserved an apology I would give you one. But I beg to differ, and the warning still stands. If that horse begins to show signs of malnourishment while I still live here, I will raise some hell!
All in all, fantastic day. I got a Valentines Day card from my soldier. Perfect timing by the way! We have about two weeks give or take some until he is home. I absolutely can not wait!!!
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