Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Jesus

Well, Christmas is over... Almost... We have one more Christmas Party tonight at my father-in-law's parents house. I'm glad that once the holidays get started they roll right on out too. We need to take down the Christmas lights and such, but that can wait a few more days until I have some motivation. Right before Christmas, Sharon had a chemo treatment and it really kicked her butt. She said it felt like she had the flu times ten. But she is doing better now, and that is all that matters.

Christmas Eve, we went to mom's and had a lovely dinner. Then gifts. Next, we headed to Grandpa Rutter's house and had a Christmas dinner with Dad, Uncle Wes and Anna, and my cousin Marshal. I haven't seen Marshal in forever. When with my dad's side of the family, a good time is always guaranteed. Uncle Wes set a new record by 7:30pm for the family, and we will leave it at that- no explanation needed, I guess it is an inside joke for our family. That night I returned home and got to talk to my soldier- best time of the day!!! 

Then Christmas day, I returned to my grandfathers and spent some quality time with my little sister, whom I hardly ever get to see. She is 12 now, and getting so big!
Kaitlyn Michelle

I miss riding horses so much! I can't wait until Weston and I are able to live somewhere that I can have a horse. He wants to live in a mountain town, and that would be great. Here are some more pictures that I took of my Grandpa's Morgan Mare and his other horse.

 I was given tickets to the Broncos game. I chose to take my bestest friend Kat with me, and we sure did have a blast! We followed Mike and Lori up there and they helped us find our tickets... since neither of us had been to a Broncos game before. Thanks guys! AND.... The Broncos ACTUALLY WON! Wow! Such a great game to go to. They were down 0-17 at the half and Tebow brought us back. He's the man!

Christmas time is a lovely time of the year. If you just remember that Jesus is the reason for the season, then it makes being away from Weston a little bit easier. I hope that next year I will be able to spend the holidays with my husband. But for now, we just have to stay optimistic-- close to 2 months left :) Yay! We are getting there. Once we hit New Years- it is going to go by very quickly.

I shall leave you with this: It is my favorite picture of Weston and I from our last photo shoot at Garden of the Gods in Colorado. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

I love you baby!

Monday, December 20, 2010

God Answers Prayers

Yesterday morning at about 3:30am, my soldier called me and updated me on the status of the Korea situation. Instantly, I knew there was nothing I could do about it and I had to give all my worries and fears to the Lord. After getting off the phone with him, I came up stairs and got my Bible off the table. I read some verses and prayed about it. I know that our Lord and Savior answers prayers. 

The sunrise was beautiful. From where I was sitting on the couch I could see it with a perfect view and decided to grab my camera and take a few photos. By this time, Weston was back up and awake. He couldn't sleep and I don't blame him. When things get real in the Army, it takes mentally preparing yourself for the situation- which is what he told me he was doing. We talked some more on Skype, I added the pictures to my Facebook so he could instantly see them, then he headed back to bed. 

Yesterday was Sunday, and I decided that church was the best thing to do. I was up and awake early, which before my trip to Korea was unheard of. (Now that I've been back its been to bed early and up very early in the morning.) I went to church and felt so refreshed afterwords. 

I got to talk to Weston again once he was awake and he told me that activities for the day over there had been canceled. Amen, God is so good!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Spirit

I have mixed feelings about Christmas this year. My husband is in Korea and I wish I could spend our first married Christmas together. However, I got to see him for Thanksgiving, and that was the best Christmas present ever. Samantha decorated the house and then we made a fireplace on the wall out of fabric, recycled paper, and all kinds of fun stuff. Flashing Christmas lights seal the deal and the fake fire makes it look legit. Good enough for our purposes. Is it bad that after that craft project I felt accomplished? In all my years of school, I've learned how to do craft projects-- see, college is overrated after all!
Our fireplace

I've already done 2 Christmas parties, and have several more to go. The first was the Wells family party. We traveled to Greeley for that one just a couple of days after I got home from Korea. The next one was at the Wetmore Baptist Church. The children put on their program for everyone and we had a delicious meal to go along with it. Coming up, we have one at my mom's on Christmas Eve, my dad's on Christmas, Weston's parents on the 28th... As far as I know, that is all. 
Christmas Program @ Wetmore Baptist Church
Weston had his Christmas party Friday night and has his secret santa exchange today. I'm glad that his platoon takes care of him. He started receiving the packages that my mom sent yesterday. While talking on Skype, he started devouring the caramel corn... I didn't know that caramel corn was supposed to be sea food, but he advised me otherwise. Yesterday, every door in his barracks had a Christmas card on it from different people all over the country. It is so great that people are supporting the troops, that is what I like to see! 
Overall, I still vote that we move Christmas to July! From what we have heard, Weston may be deployed at this time next year as well. We just have to remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. No matter where you are or what you are doing, it is not about the gifts or Santa. It is about the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. So this Christmas, Weston and I may not be able to be together in the same place for the holiday, but we will be together in celebrating the birth of Christ. Giving thanks for the blessings we have received and our salvation. 

God Bless this holiday season. Keep warm and safe, and please, pray for our soldiers!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Take a Moment

Weston is on dry status and one hour recall. For those of you who do not know what that means:  if he gets called, he has an hour to be in full gear, weapons drawn, and in their vehicles ready to go. I don't know what all South Korea has in mind, but hopefully nothing horrible comes out of this. Please pray for the safety of our soldiers. 

 My cousin Tom is stationed in Afghanistan with the 101st Airborne Division. Not too long ago there were 3 soldiers killed over there and he knew them. He was friends with them. Now, there have been 6 more soldiers and 11 injured. The 6 for sure were from his platoon, I don't know about the 11 that were injured. It has been a little over a week since my aunt has heard anything from him. He tells her that no news is good news, but it is still so very scary. He is right there. Please pray for the safety of the soldiers, and for comfort to them and the families of the soldiers that have been injured and killed.

These men and women are out there fighting for our country and our freedom. They deserve every ounce of our support, and they need us. God hears prayers, and the power of prayer is amazing. We have to turn to the Lord and let him take care of our needs and worries. 

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.  
Proverbs 3:5-6

Welcome to S. Korea!

"Does any one speak english?" O.M.G. "Well, other than us, no. Deal with it!" -Me. I felt like I was baby sitting. We spent the first night in Korea catching up... Figure it out... 

@ Thanksgiving with 557th MP CO
2nd Platoon SPARTANS
The next day was Thanksgiving, and we had a great time. We joined his Platoon for dinner, and an intense dance competition. Following, we went to the next city over to see the 10 story mall. After, we returned to the party. That night was one the hardest that I have experienced so far. I listened as one of the sergeants talked about his previous deployments, soldiers that were close to him that got killed, how he had to drink to be able to sleep at night. He spoke of the hurt and the heart ache. He has received a purple heart and a medal of honor, but he doesn't think that he is a hero. There were many other conversations going on at the same time. Another sergeant talked about how everything happens for a reason and how God is in control. A happy home makes for a happy soldier. Support from the wife makes every thing easier. I am so blessed to have a husband who loves me and cares for me as much as Weston does. I am so blessed to have a faith in something bigger, to be a saved Christian woman, and to have a saved, Christian husband. Our marriage is based around the Lord, and when times are tough we turn to the Lord. I pray that there will be lives touched and seeds planted in all that I do and say. I hope that our marriage will be a testimony to those that know us. I thank God that my soldier has a Christian sergeant who isn't afraid to pray before the meal, who speaks of God openly, and who Weston can go to with problems and questions. 

In Weston's Barracks
My time with my husband included many new and rewarding experiences. I learned how to speak enough Korean to get along for the time that I was there. Either that, or the Koreans just had to figure out what the heck I was trying to say. We watched movies on post at the theater, at the top of the 10-story mall, and in the hotel room... of course, we didn't buy any boot-legged movies either! We did a lot of shopping. In S. Korea, there are shops every where. You just don't understand until you actually see them. You can walk down an alley and there be restaurants and shops. You can walk by an old building and open a door and find a hidden cafe, bar, or shop. Most of the owners live in the back or above it, or whatever. A lot of the shops is just a bunch jammed in there on tables. I swear, they see how much "junk" they can fit into each tiny space. AND for goodness sake, if you don't buy their merchandise then they throw a fit! Its not too hard to talk most of them down on prices if you tell them its too much and you don't want it.
At the top of the 10-story
mall. Sky Garden.
Our hotel room door.

We walked to and from cabs, took buses, walked some more, and took the train while I was there. That was something that I loved about Korea. We got plenty of exercise.We visited several other cities and did site seeing. Weston had to work during the week days, and I mostly hung out at the hotel or with O.M.G. (in case you are wondering, that stands for Oh, Monkey Girl! and her equally annoying fiance's name is Monkey Boy. Weston and I bought a mini rabbit while we were there, and I was all set to bring him home until I found out that the airlines were going to charge us $250. So, we gave the rabbit away to a good home. One of the most memorable things that we did during my time there was go to the Seoul Tower. Seoul is the capital of South Korea and has an awesome tower. It is also the home of the 10th largest zoo in the world. We were all set to go to the zoo, but things didn't work out as planned. The cab driver said it was going to take 2 hours to get there because of the traffic. Plan B was to go to the tower.

We took the cab up to the drop-off point and hiked to the top. Thank goodness I had comfortable shoes on or I might have broke an ankle. When we got to the top of the tower, I rushed over to the window to take pictures while Weston slowly made his way to the lookout spot. I guess he can't handle heights. hahaha

At the top of tower.

You can see Seoul
out the window.

The walls inside the tower are covered with tiles that people have bought and written on. Weston and I wanted to be able to say that we are part of something, to leave a memory inside the tower. So, we bought one of those blocks and wrote on it. We glued it on the wall in an open spot, where people will fill in the wall with other tiles.
Our Tile.

One of the walls.

When we went back down to the bottom, we found an area with a ton of locks that were all locked together. People can buy locks, write on them, lock them up, and keep the key. This is another way to leave a memory at the Seoul Tower. We did not do this, but the people we were with did.
A far away tower.
We were on the lock balcony.

The trees are made of locks.

OMG and I found a park outside the hotel that had all kinds of work out equipment. The Korean people just go work out at the park when ever they want for free. There is a playground for the kids to play on as well as a track around the park. OMG and I hung out at the park, taking pictures, and messing with the equipment until our soldiers showed up from work.

There are so many more things we did in South Korea, but its just too much to write about. This post would be forever long. All in all, the time went by so fast. I love my husband and I had a blast! I learned a lot about the Korean culture and got to meet a ton a great people. I thank our soldiers for their hard work and dedication to our country. It was great to see how they live and hear their side of things, to be able to be in South Korea with the troops during a war time period was a memorable experience. I support our troops 100% and I would hope that you do too!
The sunset by the barracks @ Camp Humpreys

The Love of my life and I

I had such a great time getting to know these men and women of the
US Army... Hooah 557th MP CO 2nd Platoon Spartans!!!

Our trip home began at 3:45am when Weston had to go to work. The night before, we had made a trip to another town to get our bus tickets. My bags were packed, and it was going to be a LONG day. After he went to work, I fell back asleep for a couple of hours. We checked out of the hotel at 9am and got on the bus. Once we got to the next bus station, we just waited there with our bags. The bus was to come at 10am. A group of 4 men were stalking us and really freaked us out. The attendant had no idea what we were trying to say. I finally found a Korean teenage guy that kinda spoke some English. He showed us where our bus would park and told us it would only be a little longer. Finally our bus came and we were on our way to the airport. We arrived at the airport 6 hours before our flight and couldn't even check our bags for 3 more hours. I remembered where the USO was, and we went down there and curled up on a bench where I slept for some amount of time. At 3:30pm on December 8th, I checked my luggage. Of course, OMG's bag was too heavy. At this point I was so sick of her whining and complaining. I had already told her to shut up once that day. Might have been a little rude, but I had spent 2 weeks with her and her man-- both equally annoying, rude, and inconsiderate. She is an only child, spoiled, and so dependent on other people that it is sick. -- Any way, we boarded the plane at 6:30pm. Next stop was San Fransisco, CA.

Once we arrived at the CA airport, I had thirty minutes to get through customs, get my bags, go through customs again, check my bags, and get on the next plane. We had arrived an hour late to California. There was no way that I was going to make it to my next plane. I got off the plane and ran to customs. Got through customs very quickly and headed to the baggage claim. My bags were some of the last off the plane of course, and I missed my flight. I got in line to be put on standby, and they found one for me 2 hours later. I went to my gate and fell asleep, but not without setting an alarm. I was woken up by OMG and noticed that there was hardly any one at my gate. Another woman was concerned as well and checked on the situation. Our gate had moved and our plane had been delayed due to weather. We walked to the next gate and waited as our plane was delayed a second time due to weather. It seemed as if the day was not going to end. Finally we boarded the plane and were on our way to Denver. I arrived in Denver at 7:10pm on Wednesday, December 8th. Yes, approximately the same time I had left South Korea. My brother's gf picked me up and we went to her house where I had a flat tire on my car. Calvin fixed my tire and I was on the road by 9:30pm. After driving for about 2 hours, I finally made it back to town and met up with some friends for breakfast burritos. My time with my husband in South Korea had come to a close. Another chapter in the books.

Catching up!

In this post I am going to try to catch you up as much as possible to the present. While Weston was home from Korea, we spent as much time possible together and with family and friends. After the wedding, my mom got us a hotel room, it was great. Our good friends Lori and Kris came and went hot-tubing with us then we all hung out in the room for a while. It seems as if we were all over the state, from one side to the other. We went to Fort Collins to see Aaron Watson. Buena Vista to see my dad and for a BBQ they had for us. We spent a lot of time at the hospital to see his mom. In addition, we party hopped a few times. Celebrated Halloween. Went to the usual Wednesday night bowling, and many other things. 
@ Applebees with Kris and Lori after wedding ceremony

@ hotel on wedding night with Kris and Lori
@ Aaron Watson concert.
Weston, Me, Aaron
The 3 amigos @ Bowling
JJ, Kris, Weston
Weston had to go back to Korea on November 1. It was a long drive to the airport early in the morning. We hardly slept before the trip up there in hopes that he would be able to sleep on the plane. The next 13-15 hours seemed like they took forever as I waited for the call saying that he had made it safely to the air port in Korea. I have never been one to cry, but once I got home and realized that he was not going to be home until March again, I cried myself to sleep. Being an Army wife is hard, but you have to be strong. You have to put all of your faith and trust into the Lord and know that he will keep your soldier safe and that everything is going to be okay no matter what the out come. God will never give you more than you can handle with Him.

Time continued, and I turned 21 the day after Weston left. Unfortunately, I was sick and spent the day sleeping on the couch. That is how I spent the next week or so. I talked to my teachers at school and decided that since I was in good standings in all my classes except the time I had missed recently, that I would take in completes in my classes and finish them within a year.

It didn't take long for Weston and I to decide that I should make a trip to South Korea. I had taken care of the marriage license, changing my name, getting my new drivers license, and all the other paper work involved with getting married. While Weston was home, he changed his military papers so that we were married in their system and got my new Military ID. The only problem I had left was that my passport still had my maiden name on it and didn't match any of my current ID's. None the less, we got everything set and bought my plane ticket to South Korea. Waiting for the time to come for me to go see my new husband seemed like forever, yet went by quickly as well. 

I had met and talked to one of the guys' fiance that was stationed with Weston. She is from Texas. We decided to travel together and get a hotel room together also since we couldn't stay on base. It was a complicated process of getting everything lined up. However, we got it done. On November 22, I drove to my brother's frat house in Golden and stayed the night there. The next morning, he took me to the air port and dropped me off. I left Denver on December 23rd and flew to San Francisco. After an hour, I met up with Samantha (the one who I was traveling with). --It was going to be a LONG trip from here on out. I had found out that she was probably one of the most annoying 18 year olds that I had ever come across. The only thing we had in common was that our men are stationed together in Korea.-- 
In San Francisco Airport
OMG & I on plane to S. Korea
Preparing to land in S. Korea

Two hours later, after she had our seats changed to sit by each other, we left the CA airport and were on our way to see our soldiers. Approximately 13 hours, 2 small bottles of wine, 2 meals, and lots of sleep later, we landed in Korea. Customs wasn't a problem at all, and neither was finding our luggage. A nice Korean cab driver who really wanted us to ride with him let me use his cell phone and I called Weston to tell him to meet us at the USO. Him and Dotson had just arrived at the air port and were headed in that direction. 

As Samantha and I stood there waiting, she questioned whether or not we were in the right spot. Finally I told her to just settle down and be patient. Not too much later the guys surprised us by coming up from the other direction. AT LAST I was with my husband again! I was to spend 2 weeks in South Korea at Camp Humpreys, where he is stationed. We had to stay at a hotel off base because the Lodge was full. We caught the bus from the airport to the hotel.  

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Planning our Future Together

We knew that we wanted to get engaged and married, it was only a matter of when and how. Since Weston is stationed in South Korea, it made things a little more difficult. He wanted to do things right and have him ask my dad's permission first, and of course, he had to ask me in person. We began talking about the options. March was so far away, and we didn't necessarily want to wait that long. New ideas were always on the table, but just like the Army, things change all the time. It was kind of funny how things worked out.... Both him and I knew exactly what was going on the whole time. I told him my ring size and he was SUPPOSED to write that information down. I gave Weston a website to look at for Moissanite rings. He took care of picking out the ring and ordering it with the help of his mom. This huge secret was not so much of a secret. First off, him and I had already talked about everything. Second off, he forgot what ring size I needed and while his mom was sitting across the room from me, he asked me what size I needed so he could tell his mom... Such a huge secret :) haha.

Eventually, we decided that he would come home on leave sometime. It was supposed to be a surprise, but we've learned that nothing is a surprise around here. Weston was only going to tell his dad and one of his friends about the trip home so that he could buy the plane ticket and Kris could pick him up from the air port.. However, he ended up telling me saying, that he couldn't keep it a secret any more. So now, it was just a secret from his mom and sister. My father-in-law, Daniel, ended up having to tell his wife, Sharon, about the trip home when they were at a doctors appointment. Sharon was diagnosed with cancer and had to have it removed. They wanted to schedule the surgery for the day that Weston was to arrive home, so they moved the appointment. Now his sister, Samantha was the only one left. My friend and I wanted to go dress shopping for an outfit for me to wear to the airport, and Samantha came along. We had it all planned out. We made up a great story about how Lori and I had a school event to attend and that is why I needed a dress. We went to Ross and found the perfect dress. It was all great and dandy. I came home and put on the dress to show Sharon and she said, "Oh I get it, that is the dress to pick up Weston in..." AND the secret was out.

I hired a good friend of mine from SGPhotography to come to the airport with us and take pictures. On October 18, Weston left South Korea. He was able to catch an earlier flight than planned, and only had a few minutes to tell me so while on Facebook in the Japan airport. He said he would arrive in Colorado around 2-3pm on October 18th. (Korea is a day ahead, so this trip was about 18 hours long for him.) We went to the airport and rushed through security. Of course I wore heals and had to take them off and put them back on in a rush in order to make it to his gate on time.

We made it to his gate, but questioned whether it was the correct gate. SO, we took off looking for the arrivals board. I went to a guest services agent who affirmed that we were at the correct gate the first time, and we rushed back. I held up my welcome home sign as he turned the corner.

My heart had never raced so fast in my life, and my stomach had never done so many backflips. I was so excited to see him. It had been 5 years since we had seen each other in person and not just over Skype. When his lips touched mine, sparks flew! We took more pictures, then headed to the restaurant where my Dad and Debby, and my brother- Calvin, his gf- Sara were to meet us. 

Weston talked to my father that night and received permission to marry me. It was at home in the basement that Weston asked me if I wanted to be proposed to in front of a bunch of people, or if I just wanted my ring. Weston got down on one knee and asked me to marry him that night. I didn't care for a huge, public show. It was perfect, and we were engaged. My engagement ring is so beautiful, he did a GREAT job! So now, we had two weeks together. We planned on getting married while he was home. We had already made arrangements with my Pastor, and two people to be our witnesses. We were going to do a private ceremony with just the 5 of us, but plans changed again. Weston's mom went to the hospital to have her surgery and when they opened her up, we found out that it wasn't just stage 2 cancer, it was stage 4, and it was better if they just left the lung alone and didn't remove any thing. This news was unexpected, but there was hope. The Wells family is very optimistic, and it is all in the Lord's hands. Weston and I decided that we should include the family in our marriage events. It was concluded that we would get married at the hospital chapel and keep our plans for a larger wedding later the next year. The date would be 11-11-11, deployment pending. 

On October 24, 2010, we got married. What was supposed to be a very simple thing turned into a huge ordeal, and the hospital nurses decorated the chapel and bought us a cake. It was a very memorable day, and we are so thankful for everyone who helped.

Army Hooah!

Weston joined the Army on September 14, 2009. He went to Ft. Leonard Wood, MO with the Alfa 787 MP Battalion Platoon COMBAT WOMBATS. Weston graduated on February 18, 2009. 

He is currently stationed with the 557th MP CO 2nd Platoon SPARTANS at Camp Humphreys, South Korea. He has been there since March 4, 2010, and will spend a year there.

Young and in Love

Weston and I met at my best friend's brother's graduation party in May of 2005. It was the summer after my freshman year in high school, which would have made it the summer before his senior year. We first talked when he sat between my best friend and I on the porch swing in the back yard. Right away there was an unspoken connection between us. We talked some through out the night, and I draped my legs over his lap making it more comfortable for us to sit on the swing. As the night began to come to an end for us, I put my name in his phone and told him to call me. We began talking over the phone and knew that we wanted to continue with our friendship. A week before I left for church camp in Oklahoma I hadn't heard from Weston and was pretty upset about it. I left him a voice mail for him telling him how much of a jerk he was. I went to Oklahoma and came back and we did not talk for about 4 months.

Finally one day in October, we began talking again. It turned out that he had his phone taken away and that is why he didn't contact me- it was our only means of communication at the time. Homecoming was coming up and I didn't have a date. We didn't attend the same school, and he had already agreed to go to homecoming with someone else at this school. Therefore, he agreed to come to homecoming at my high school with me. On October 8th, 2005, Weston came to my house to pick me up for the dance. My dress and his blue shirt matched perfectly. He looked so handsome. Ohhh and he had a HUGE cast on his arm all the way up past his elbow because he broke it riding a go cart. We went to dinner at a local restaurant that I worked at. Dinner was great, but we got done eating early and went back to my mom's house. My good friends came over and decided to join us in going to homecoming. We took pictures then headed off to the dance.
The dance was amazing and we slow danced all night long. We took professional pictures and he hid his cast. Our first kiss happened that night as we danced on that floor that night. It was love.

Weston and I began dating the next night after he called my house and asked permission to date me from my mother. Our relationship was great. We were young, in love, and on the right track. We kept our relationship based around God and purity as the Bible proclaims. We spent many hours on the phone during the week, talking late into the night and early into the morning. I wore a heart promise ring. Weston and I talked about our future together. He would graduate and establish a life while I finished high school. We would get married after I graduated and I would attend college at CSU-Pueblo. We would live in a brick house with blue shutters, and some day he wanted to be a fire fighter in New York.We took turns driving to each other's homes and hanging out. Well, kinda, my mom would have to take me to his house since I didn't have my license, and he would take me back home. We never fought, we were best friends. Life was great. After 6 months of dating, I ended the relationship. I don't know why exactly, but I made up an excuse, and we were done.

We went on with our own lives. Every once in a while we would see each other. I missed him. I read his statuses on Myspace, and saw that he was doing fine. I watched as he updated pictures online and regretted my decision. I prayed that I made the right choice. My friends were mad at me for breaking up with him, they said that he was the best thing that ever happened to me, and I agreed. But it was too late. We went on and dated other people. One time I tried to contact him and he was with his girlfriend at the time and he told me that this was my fault and his life was none of my business. He gave his phone to his girlfriend and she texted me telling me to leave him alone and some other choice things. I ended up changing my phone number because she insisted on texting and calling me. Years later, one of our mutual friends tried to hook us back up, but I was in a relationship and didn't show any interest. About six months later, she tried to hook us back up and I got really mad and stopped talking to her, and him.

Weston went to boot camp for the Army, and that mutual friend wanted me to go to his graduation, but I denied the offer. She wanted me to go bowling with them once he was home from Boot Camp, but it didn't end up happening. Then Weston got stationed in South Korea, and I didn't hear much about him.

We ended up being friends on Facebook, and as it turns out, we followed each others lives very closely. When the guy I was dating at the time and I broke up, I changed my status on Facebook to single. I guess they say that its not official until its "Facebook Official". He instant messaged me and we talked about life. He comforted me and gave me advice to trust in God and read my Bible. All answers to life can be found in the Bible. We talked about how he was stationed in Korea and about the Army life. I thanked him for his service to our troops and told him to thank his friends. When I moved to his home town to be closer to the college and into an apartment complex where one of his best friends lived, we began talking more and more.

It was the summer of 2010 and my life had changed completely since I had graduated high school. This was my 3rd University in 2 years, but I was finally happy. Even though Weston was millions of miles away in Korea, there was still a special bond between us. He was my high school sweet heart, and I had always compared all other guys to him. There was always something that stood out about Weston, something that I couldn't shove away. When I found out that he felt the same about me, we decided that we had to put the past behind us and live in the here and now. We knew it would be hard, but we wanted to be a couple again. I downloaded Skype on my computer and we talked as much as we could. I wrote him letters telling him how I felt. But impatient me couldn't wait the 2 weeks for him to get the letters and ended up telling him how I felt over the internet.
He was still in love with me. I was still in love with him. We began dating on July 16, 2010.

The apartment I was living in ended up being a dangerous place for me to live by myself. The police had been there six times in the two weeks that I lived there, and I had to find an alternative. Weston's parents offered for me to live there and after talking to them about it, we decided that I would move into their basement. This was a much better situation. I lived the life of an Army girlfriend. I was so extremely happy. People thought we were crazy- every one except for the people that knew us 5 years ago. Every one from our past supported us. My best friend from high school told me that she always knew that we were meant for each other.

Why a blog?

A while back I told Weston that I was going to start a blog and he just laughed and said, now why would you want to do that. Well fact of the matter is, I like to write and if this gives me some where to just write or vent or whatever then great. I don't care who reads this, I don't care what people think about what I write, I really just don't care. So I will have a blog. About this journey through life and the trials and blessings of being an Army Wife. I will tell you a story... A story about how my husband and I met and the adventure that we have been though so far. Stay tuned for a long story :)